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Oliver Thompson

Costume Designer and Maker



Enthusiastic Nottingham Trent University BA Costume Design and Making Graduate with a passion for creativity and hands-on industry experience. A friendly and adaptable team player, adept at thriving in high-pressure situations with exceptional time management skills. Eager to continue developing expertise through real-world engagement in the field. 



2019 – 2022

Nottingham Trent University – BA Costume Design and Making. The three main core modules I have studied in are: Design, Construction and Contextual studies. In design I learnt how to study a brief and utilise my creative skills to create impactful designs for a wide variety of project briefs. Similarly in construction I managed to learn the basics of constructing a costume as well as some advanced skills in 3D Printing and sewing details. Contextual Studies has taught me a lot about costume around the world and the implications it has, encouraging me to broaden my horizons in the world of costume design and making.


2017 – 2019

Barnsley College – Production Arts Level 3. For two years I learned and worked at the Electric Theater, the course was incredibly practical teaching me backstage skills and how to plan and work with a technical theater team to make sure shows run smoothly. I worked on a wide range of different theater productions including: Seussical, Midsummer's Night Dream, The Crucible and Once Upon this Island. Throughout the productions over the two years, I worked as: Deputy Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, Sound Operator, Lighting Operator, Visual Operator, and a Runner.



UTC Sheffield - Product Design. Two years exploring my original passion for product design. Learning in this field helped me develop confidence in prototyping and design philosophy, taking my experience from product design on how to manage myself throughout the design and manufacturing process is a key transferable skill I have brought to my costume design career.


Relevant Experience


2017 – Present

Cosplaying. Designing and making my own props and costumes. Self-taught using E.V.A Foam and working with electronics, 3D designs and 3D Printing to bring my designs to life. This led me to pursue Costume Design and Making Professionally.


2022 – present

Working Charity Events.


2017 – present

Amateur Photography. To compliment my cosplay costumes, I started to learn basic photography skills to better document my costumes, this led me wanting to learn Adobe Photoshop and broaden my skills.


​2017 – present

Prop Design. As a side project to go along with my cosplay costumes I started to make props, I now enjoy creating more complex props using spare parts and electronics. The same design processes go into props as they do costume, so it compliments my passion for costume extremely well.


2019 – present

CAD software skills. To compliment my design skills, I have explored using CAD software as a new skill to use in my work this goes along nicely with my interest in 3D printing and using more technical methods to construct costumes. This skill has also allowed me to better integrate electronics into my costume work.




2016 – 2021

Frankie and Benny’s, Waiter, Door host and Bar staff

  • Waitering Experience

  • Bar Serving Experience

  • Door Host Experience

  • Flexibility of hours during holidays


2021 - 2022

ASDA Fresh Team Colleague

  • Teamwork 

  • Customer Service

  • Problem Solving with Shelf Management

  • Price Management


2022 – 2023

LIDL Warehouse Operative

  • Teamwork

  • Time Management skills

  • Prioritising Health and safety whilst operating heavy machinery


2023 – Present

AIDA Backstage Dresser

  • Hair Prep

  • Costume prep

  • Costume repair and maintenance

  • Quick Change

  • Costume design

  • Costume fabrication



  • Attended karate for nine years from 2004 to 2013, attaining a 3rd degree black belt.

  • Attended Air Cadets for two years from 2014 to 2016.

  • Won best costume in a high school world book day contest.



  • Drawing, miniature painting, photoshop, photography, exercise, gardening, walking, and dancing.



07450 843 663​



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